Here are a variety of ways you can enhance the learning experiences of your child.

Gifts for Learning

Books and Toys for Gifted Kids

Games and Toys

*    Learning Resources
       - Lowercase Alphabet Sand Molds (Set of 26)
       - Numbers and Operations Sand Molds (Set of 26)
       Both of thses allow for creativity within a child.  They will enjoy creating letters, numbers, spelling words, etc. out of   

*     Crayola
       - Sidewalk Paint Tray
       - Sidewalk Chalk
      The sidewalk activities allow for children to use their imagination and creativity outdoors.  It is recommended for
      ages 4 and up.

*     Young Scientists: Science on a Nature Walk
        This is a nature kit that assists children in conducting field experiements.  It is recommended for ages 4 to 12.

*     Out-of-This World Astronomy
       This book helps a child to explore the universe.  It has fifty projects for the child to explore.  It is recommended for
       ages 8 to 12.

*     Cranium Cadoo for Kids
       This game is enjoyable for the entire family.  It encourages creativity and critical thinking.


One way is to SCAMPER.  SCAMPER is an acronym for a list of words that can help your child think differently about a problem area and enhance creativity.

S - Substitute
What or who can be used instead?  What other ingredients, place, or time?  Other material?  Other process?  Other power?  Other place?  Other approach?  Other sounds?

C - Combine
What materials, features, processes, people, products, or components can be combined?

A - Adapt
Is there anything that can be changed?  What else is like this?  What could be copied?

M - Modify, Magnify, or Minify
Can you change the meaning, color, motion, sound, smell, form, or shape?  Can you distort it?

P - Put to Other Uses
Are there new ways to use or reuse it?  Is there another market?

E - Eliminate
Can you reduce time, effort, or cost?  Can you remove part of it?

R - Rearrange
Can you interchange components or patterns?  Can you change the pace or schedule?  Can it be reversed?

Here are few possible ways to use SCAMPER.
  • Read a simple story.  What elements of SCAMPER could be used to rewrite the story?  If you get stuck on a writing assignment, will the ideas from SCAMPER help you to keep going?
  • Create your own invention.  Take any common object and think about how it might be changed or improved upon.  Think about the history of some common invention, such as the telephone.  Go back to the earliest phone you can find and see how the elements of SCAMPER were used to improve each generation of the communication device.
  • Take a current social or political problem and discuss how elements of SCAMPER might be applied to come up with possible solutions.
  • Use SCAMPER to analyze a website or a brochure.  Can you find ways that the website or brochure might be improved?
  • Take any common object – a penny, a shoe, a table.  How can you apply the elements of SCAMPER to come up with a new or creative use of the object?